Group therapy offerings

Group therapy offers a unique journey where you receive feedback from peers and engage in real-life scenarios to practice navigating different interpersonal dynamics. It's like being part of a diverse community that cheers you on through every twist and turn, allowing you to blossom into your authentic self and be celebrated for your growth.

Whether as a complement to individual therapy or as a standalone approach, groups hold the potential for profound transformation. They serve as a powerful space to explore interpersonal challenges and foster deeper connections with others, enriching your sense of belonging and understanding of yourself.

Current Group Offerings

Grief is like a long valley, a winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape.
— C.S. Lewis

“Why?!”A group for adults who lost a loved one to suicide

Someone you loved ended their own life.

  • You keep searching for answers, trying to understand “why.”

  • You keep replaying all the “what if” scenarios.

  • You keep looking for someone to blame (including yourself) and hope you will feel better once you know.

  • No matter how hard you try, you cannot have “closure,” whatever that is!

  • Your grief feels so complicated and so heavy you are struggling in your daily life.

  • You’re tired of hearing your friends and family saying all the cliches, no matter how well-intentioned they are. 

Isn’t it about time to try something different?

Let’s get together with others on the same path and find the support you need.

  • ​Wednesdays, 4 pm to 5:30 pm.

  • ​$100 per session and weekly attendance is strongly encouraged.

  • Advance registration is required.

The group will be facilitated by Nes Pinar, LMFT, a Certified Grief Informed Counselor, and will meet weekly in San Ramon.
To register or to learn more, send an email to

Dance like nobody is watching; love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody’s listening; live like it’s heaven on earth.
— Mark Twain

“Perfectly Imperfect”: A group for Women who want to let go of who they are “supposed to be.”

You feel like whatever you do, it is never enough

  • You tend to be anxious about letting people down

  • It is hard for you to sit down and just relax, or have fun

  • You tend to overextend yourself, but you often don’t realize this until after the fact

  • You tend to focus on what you are failing to do versus what you accomplish in your life

  • Other people tend to disappoint you OR it seems like everyone else seems to be “better” than you

  • Your life is full of “supposed to’s” that you apply to yourself and others

  • You hate ambiguity, you want to know “What, When, and How,” and you want to know it “Now!”

If you said YES! to at least 3 of the statements above, this group is for you!

Isn’t it about time to face what you have been struggling for years? If not now, when?

  • ​Wednesdays, 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm.

  • ​$100 per session and weekly attendance is strongly encouraged.

  • Advance registration is required.

The group will be facilitated by Nes Pinar, LMFT, and will meet weekly in Lafayette.
To register or to learn more, send an email to