
Yoga for the Brain in Lafayette, CA

What is Neurofeedback?

Here is an explanation of what Neurofeedback is from the Institute of Applied Neuroscience:

“Neurofeedback is a learning technique that helps your brain change unhelpful EEG (brainwave) patterns so it can function more effectively. The human brain is always changing itself based on its experiences, but not every experience changes the brain. An experience must be frequent, sustained, and intensely repeated to alter brain structure and function. In other words, whatever we do over and over again, our brains get better and faster at doing and devote more brain cells to carrying out. This is how we learn any skill; but it’s also why we should be more intentional about what we use our brains to do. 

We can accidentally end up practicing anxiety, depression, or self-doubt or we can more intentionally practice gratitude, calm, and joy. Neurofeedback allows us to harness neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change itself) in the direction we’d prefer it to go. By cultivating the kinds of internal and external experiences we’d most like to have, we can become sculptors of our own brains.

Tailored Neurofeedback Sessions: Flexible and Client-Centered NFB Care in Lafayette, CA

I provide Neurofeedback assessment and training sessions in my Lafayette office. NFB sessions can be part of your treatment with me and incorporated into your sessions or they can be scheduled separately (whether you are currently receiving therapy services from me or another therapist).  It is also possible to receive NFB treatment without being in therapy, when clinically appropriate. 

For fast results, two NFB sessions a week are highly recommended. Your feedback on the effects of the NFB session will determine the length of treatment since I will be making the protocol adjustments based on your report. Although there is no pre-set number of sessions and/or length of treatment I can provide, if NFB is working for you, you should start seeing positive effects within the first two months of treatment. 

Neurofeedback is Yoga for the Brain

Neurofeedback is like playing the childhood game of hotter and colder with your brain cells. Sensors attached to your scalp measure the electrical activity on the surface of your brain, then the computer reflects your brain activity back to you through audio and visual information. The computer provides an audible cue whenever your brain cells’ firing patterns move closer to a calm, focused state. When your brain experiences a more efficient, more effective way of operating, it is inherently motivated to adopt this new way of working (with enough repetition). Everybody’s brain wants to get the best possible results for the least amount of energy expended.

This process can also be likened to yoga for your brain. By intentionally practicing specific yoga postures, you increase the flexibility and stability of your body. By intentionally practicing a calm, focused state, you increase the flexibility and stability of your brainwaves.  

Neurofeedback is based on the arousal model, which states that as your nervous system arousal (or activation) increases, so does your performance – up to a point. If your nervous system arousal continues to increase past that point, your performance will decline. This holds true for everything from shooting free throws to working math problems, sleeping well, and parenting.

Neurofeedback helps your nervous system regulate arousal more effectively and shift its level of arousal to fit the task at hand more appropriately. Learning to regulate your nervous system arousal well makes life easier - especially in managing your moods, sleep, energy level, and focus. When we can’t regulate our nervous system arousal well, on the other hand, everything is much more difficult, and we don’t feel as good inside our skin.

Still curious about Neurofeedback?

Here’s an informative video to check out:

Here’s a few informative websites: